Bringing quality, district-wide debate programs to your school district
What can Debate do for Your District?
+210% increase in graduation rates
+87% increase in analytical skills
+36% increase in reading test scores
+39% increase in confidence ratings
Sources: 1
About Fremont Debate Academy
5000+ students taught to date
200+ volunteers around the world
40,000+ cumulative volunteer hours
100+ teachers trained globally
We have mobilized entire communities behind FDA, with parents petitioning their own school districts to add an FDA program to their school where there isn’t one already.
Meet Mary Rodriguez, Teacher At The Broward County Debate Initiative
"…debate is actually how we dream teaching could be. It gives you the excitement back that you had as a new teacher… it reinvigorates your motivation…
I sincerely hope that you take the challenge to bringing debate to your students, and use the FDA team as your guide. I promise you, you won’t regret it.”
Watch the FDA team present to the board members of the Fremont Unified School District and listen to what the board members had to say!
Watch FDA students perform a live, practice debate at a Harvey Green Elementary debate session.
Read FDA’s ESSER brief on district-wide debate programs to see how they can benefit your district.
Read FDA’s pitch on district-wide debate programs to better understand our offering.